Tuesday, January 8, 2008

witness 2

when i was about 10, a jehovah witness joint (temple, church? what do ya call it?) opened up about a mile from my house. slowly, they started combing the neighborhood and offering up inspirational pamphlets etc. One summer day, the door bell rang and i answered the door. There was a giantly tall black jw there trying to preach to me. I told him, "i'll get my mom", he pushed the door open and was a bit forceful, even as wild as i was at the time, i found him to be intimidating. My mom went nuts, as he refused to leave, and was preachin jehohovahs vaues. she called 911 and dude was arrested in 2 minutes, when i think about it, i bet it was because he was black, but not for nuthin, dude should have been arrested for b & e.

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