Sunday, January 20, 2008

child labor

When i was 12, maybe 13 (not good at this) I worked on a farm. Not like a real hard farm, it was a farm in ct that sold berries, pumpkins and xmas trees. I was on the berry end. My friends and I all signed up for the summer gig each year and our assignment was pretty easy. We had to pin down strawberry runners. carry on. on occasion, we picked strawberries for lazy people, boxed'm up and whatever. we had the best times ever. We spent our days laughing and tanning and gossiping over strawberry mounds. We were happy and all in love with one another (except of course, when someone was 'in the outs') but even that always subsided and loveliness carried on. The farm rules dictated that you could only carry your lunch bag down. So, we would be so creative in our 'lunch bags; there were usually around 10 of us, we would alternate, someone would carry the baby oil, someone would carry a beach towel, something to drink and so on. Then we would take turns. Someone exclusively tanning at any point, turn-taking. Oh, i guess i forgot to mention we all wore bikinis under our "uniforms".

On a side note. One of my best friends at the time was JM who happens to be the 'model' for the covers of the new nancy drew series. (and by new i mean the '80's)

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